Pink in the New Millennium

The RCC operation in the Netherlands continued to enjoy great success through the 90s. There were, by now, a growing number of businesses being acquired and initiated - each with their own brand and market, but all in the areas of IT outsourcing and related services such as consulting & education. Then in 1999 the RCC owners decided to take the Company public. As part of this process they decided to create a single brand for the whole group. The two biggest parts were Roccade (outsourcing) and Pink Elephant (infrastructure management services), and so they decided to rename the consolidated business - PinkRoccade! A plan and timetable was quickly developed for re-branding all entities within the group. However, before the switch was made in North America another important and far reaching decision was made. The PinkRoccade management decided to divest of all businesses outside their home markets of the Netherlands and UK. To cut a long story short, Fatima and I decided to buy back the North American business along with rights to the (seemingly defunct) Pink Elephant brand in all other territories. So Pink Elephant was saved (by the skin of it's teeth!) and since then we've continued to grow as an independently owned and operated Company and brand completely separate from PinkRoccade. To close the door on the PinkRoccade era, in early 2006 the PinkRoccade company itself was bought out by its biggest Dutch competitor - Getronics.

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